Isolation Activities: Part One

What seems to us as a bizarre and upside down universe is actually history in the making. We are all a part of this major worldwide crisis and it keeps developing every day. If you find yourself looking for activities to do with the family (and you have exhausted our handy Iso Inspo packs), why not keep a journal?

What we are experiencing, will be talked about for generations to come. Schools are closed, sports are cancelled, supermarkets ran out of toilet paper!

Encourage your kids to record what happens on a day to day basis, things you built and baked, imagined or played, read or learned. Include feelings and thoughts, things they might wish for the future. Add in drawings, photographs, newspaper clippings, you could even make a video!

As a parent, be available to be interviewed. Share your own opinions, take the time to explain some larger concepts. Once this is all over, store these journals in a safe place. Perhaps your children will show their children!

There is no right or wrong way to process what is happening around us, but maybe by reflecting on our environment our children can starting building a world they want to see. They are after all, the change makers of our future.

Happy Journaling!

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